Teen Gangs and Cults

Gangs prey on the weak child who yearns to fit in with the false illusion that they are accepted into the “cool crowd.”


Most gangs and teen cults can convince your child that joining their group will make them a well-liked and popular teen as well as one who others may fear. This gives the teen a false sense of superiority.


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Remember, many of today’s teens who are acting out negatively are suffering with extremely low self confidence. This feeling of power can boost their esteem; however, they are blinded to the fact that is dangerous because they are so desperate to fit in.


In reality, it is a downward spiral which can result in both emotional and physical damage. We have found that teen gangs and cults are sometimes hard to detect. They disguise themselves to impress the most intelligent of parents. We have witnessed gang members who will present themselves as the good kid from the good family and you would not suspect their true colors.


If you suspect your child is involved in any gang activities or cults, please seek local adolescent therapy and encourage your child to communicate. This is when the lines of communication need to be wide open.


Sometimes this is so hard, and that is what makes an objective professional beneficial to your family.


Teen gangs and cults are to be taken very seriously. A child that is involved in a gang can affect the entire family and its safety. Take this very seriously if you suspect your child is participating in gang activity or cult association.


Read: 5 Benefits of Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens.

Read: Where Can You Send a Troubled Teen?



If the safety and well being of your teenager is at risk, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

Contact us today for a free consultation – learn more about therapeutic boarding schools for troubled teens.

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